All About Coral | Saltwater Coral Reef Frags

CRT Delight Acropora


• Temperament: Peaceful
• Temperature: 76-78 degrees
• Salinity: 1.024-1.026ppm
• Nitrates: 5-10 ppm
• Phosphates: 0.05 – 0.07 ppm
• Calcium: 440 ppm
• Alkalinity: 8-9 dkh
• Magnesium: 1350 ppm
• Recommended Lighting: Moderate to high
• Recommended Flow: Moderate to high
• Recommended Tank Placement: Middle to top areas
•Direct Feeding: Recommend, but not required

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•Small polyp stony coral, also known as SPS coral, is a type of coral that belongs to the subclass Hexacorallia. These corals are known for their small polyps, typically measuring less than 2mm in diameter, and a hard, calcium carbonate skeleton. SPS coral are considered to be more challenging to care for than LPS coral, and require specific environmental conditions to thrive.

• Lighting: SPS coral require intense lighting, usually provided by metal halide or high-output LED lights, which provide the correct spectrum and intensity for the coral to photosynthesize and grow. SPS coral are often placed in the upper regions of the aquarium, where they receive the most intense light.

• Water flow: SPS coral need a high level of water flow to bring in necessary nutrients and oxygen, and to help remove waste products. The flow should be directed towards the coral, and it should be turbulent to mimic the natural flow patterns of coral reefs.

• Water chemistry: SPS coral require specific water chemistry parameters to survive. The pH should be maintained between 8.1 and 8.4, the salinity should be around 1.024 to 1.026 and the calcium level should be around 440 ppm. SPS coral also need other trace elements like strontium, iodine, and magnesium at the correct level.

• Clean environment: SPS coral are sensitive to pollutants and excess nutrients, so it is important to keep the aquarium clean, which can be done by performing regular water changes, and using a protein skimmer, activated carbon and other filtration equipment.

• Placement: SPS coral have specific lighting and flow requirements, so it is important to place them in the appropriate spot of the aquarium. Some species require high light, while others require moderate light, and some need high flow, while others need moderate flow.

Nutrition: SPS coral are photosynthetic and require energy from the light to survive, but some species also require additional nutrition, such as small plankton or other microorganisms.

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